Student’s Life


A Typical Day of a Rikkyo Student

See how a typical young student who has come to Japan to complete a degree as an international student spends her campus life. This is how she spends a typical day at Rikkyo.


Rise and shine!

The student wakes up at 7:00 a.m. every day. She exercises for about 30 minutes and eats breakfast before she leaves her apartment.

Off to class!

Rikkyo usiversity gate
The trains are almost always on time, but a bit crowded! Fortunately for her, it only takes about 30 minutes using one train to reach the Ikebukuro Campus from her apartment, door-to-door.

Japanese language study (1st period: 8:50-10:30)

Japanese class
Her first session is Seminar on Japanese Language and Culture. This course is designed specifically for international students who do not have any knowledge of the Japanese language.
12:25 PM


lunch area
pray room
The Main Dining Hall is a popular lunch spot. Here, she is having a halal meal she bought on campus. She likes chatting with friends in the relaxing atmosphere. After lunch is over, she takes a quiet moment to pray in the prayer room on campus.
1:25 PM

Group discussion (3rd period: 1:25-3:05)

After lunch, for the third period, she attends Japan Studies Program, a course that explores modern popular culture and subcultures of Japan from a variety of perspectives. She actively engages in discussions and project work with her group members. At Rikkyo, you can meet people from a variety of backgrounds and nationalities that will inspire you to greater levels of achievement.
3:20 PM

Self-study time

After the classes for the day, she spends some time studying and revising her work in the library. The Ikebukuro Campus Library is one of the largest university libraries in Japan with over two million volumes of publications and seating space for over 1,500 students! There are plenty of free-standing computers (and computers for loan) for students to use in this stress-free environment.
5:00 PM

Fun time!

She is a member of the badminton club, and she sees this activity as an indispensable part of her life at Rikkyo.
6:00 PM

Free time!

free time image
After badminton, she leaves school to hang out with her friends around Ikebukuro station. She does some window shopping and enjoys a dinner out.
8:30 PM

Home sweet home

After returning home, she does her homework assignments and catches up on some of her favorite shows.
11:00 PM

Good Night!